Community (820 X 312 Px) (1192 X 457 Mm)

Community Recognition Award

Winscombe & Sandford Parish Council launched its  Community Recognition Award in May 2024.

The award aims to appreciate the often-unsung heroes of our local community.

It could be someone who dedicates their time to improving the welfare of residents of Winscombe & Sandford or raising the profile of the parish by volunteering, charity work, fundraising, environmental work, outstanding sport, art, or cultural contributions.

Parish residents will be invited to nominate individuals whom they feel are deserving of this award, when the nominations open again in January 2025.

Award Winner 2024

2024 Community Recognition Award Winner

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to nominate their local hero.

Congratulations to MIKE TURNER who received the most nominations. Here is one of the supporting comments:

“MIKE has selflessly devoted endless time and energy to the running of the Community Centre for very many years and is now the driving force behind WinSpace, which was his vision in the beginning. He is an exceptionally hard working trustee. He also volunteers for the Wildlife Trust and spends hours working on various projects with this organisation. If this isn’t enough, he gives up so many weekends to train and support run our local scouts in the gruelling Ten Tors challenge every year.”

Community Recognition Award 2024 (1192 X 457 Mm)