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This Ground was acquired by money raised from public subscription as a permanent Memorial to the Officers and Men of the Parish who fell or served in the Great War, 1914-18 and in WW2. The ground was chosen for its particular vista of the surrounding hills and countryside, said to be one of the prettiest grounds in Somerset.

The recreation Ground is open to all village societies, clubs, organisations and parishioners for all outdoor activities, festivals etc and the clubhouse is available for private functions, wedding receptions, birthday parties and for any reason to have a knees up.

The Ground is vested in the Parish Council and is held in trust by the Council for recreation, amusement, athletic sports, instruction, improvement and generally for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish, and is actively used by 4 sports clubs, Football, Cricket, Hockey and Rugby. The Tennis Club also has rites of passage over the Recreation Ground to access their club facilities.

The overall management of the Ground is the responsibility the Parish Council, however, the War Memorial Recreation Ground Working Group deals with issues specified under the current Terms of Reference. Representatives from the Parish Council, the Village and all the Sports Clubs, attend all WMRG WG meetings.